who we are

Ph. Valeria Bellavita

Giovanni Festa

My name is Giovanni Festa. I am 35 years old and I am the creator of Piumadoca. I have many years of experience in the communication and media sector and since my childhood I have been fascinated by the world of comics, super hero films and blockbusters. Furthermore, thanks to my numerous trips to different European cities, I have been able to touch the customs and traditions that I love to weaves in my tales.

Ph. Valeria Bellavita

Davide Di Marino

Hello! I'm Davide Di Marino. I am 24 years old and I gratuaded in filmmaker from Pigrecoemme. I am a student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples and a fan of films, such as: TV series, Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction. In the last few years , I trained as a novelist and essayist.